Half Poster Taller CSI Bolivia, 2018
“Crime Scene Investigation” (CSI) Workshop, Bolivia, 2018

True Forensic Science (USA) and Fundación Jilaña (Bolivia) have joined for the first time to host an important event in Bolivia, together they will offer a “Crime Scene Investigation” (CSI) Workshop. The CSI workshop will be imparted by True Forensic Science’s Science Director and Instructor, Mr. Carlos A. Gutierrez, who is Master of Science in Forensic Science, Lecturer of […]

TFS-CUH CSI Summer 2018_Half
Study What You Love in Hawaii in Spanish!!

True Forensic Science and Chaminade University of Honolulu have partnered to offer a unique opportunity in the United States, the first “Crime Scene Investigation/Criminalistics” Course, Hawaii, 2018. This on-ground course, will be given completely in Spanish and it will consider lectures, practical work in Labs and mock crime scenes at the “Crime Scene House”, as well […]