Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Workshop Held in La Paz, Bolivia

True Forensic Science (USA) in collaboration with Fundación Jilaña (Bolivia) held its first Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) workshop. The CSI workshop was offered by True Forensic Science’s Science Director and Instructor, Prof. Carlos A. Gutierrez, who is Master of Science in Forensic Science, Lecturer of the forensic science unit at Chaminade University of Honolulu, and an expert in CSI’s related topics. The CSI workshop took place in the city of La Paz, Bolivia on March 26th & 27th, 2018.

Near 40 people participated in the CSI workshop, among who are lawyers, forensic scientists, judges, students, etc. Some of the topics studied during the workshop are: Principles of Forensic Science, Criminalistics, and Crime Scene Procedures; Collection and Analysis of Different Types of Physical Evidence and Its Importance for Forensic Reconstruction; and, Communication Techniques for Expert Witness Testimony in Court, among other. In addiction to the inicial theoretical section, the CSI workshop offered a practical section where the participants had the opportunity of working on simulated crime scenes, learning how to print fingerprint on record cards, developing fingerprints with different types of powders such as magnetic, fluorescent and regular powder, among other activities. This practical section of the CSI workshop had as main goal to exercise and reinforce what the participants learned during the theoretical part.

This CSI workshop was sponsored by Lynn Peavey Co.

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